Evening bell

The largest chimes in northern Germany invite you to a moving experience

At 6.00 pm, the evening bell in the north tower rings out and heralds the night. An experience that literally goes through your bones. And the journey there is no less exciting.

Please note that our guided tours are held in German. So let our guides know if you would like the tour to be translated into English and they will be happy to do so if they can.
If you are a larger group, you can also request a guided tour in English for your group. We are currently working on offering our guided tours in other languages.
Or are you still looking for an exciting voluntary position and can you imagine guiding people and groups in foreign languages? Then get in touch with us!

Times & Dates

see calendar below
every 3rd Friday of the month | 5:00pm

In the Advent season additionally:
Every Friday | 5:00 pm


Approx. two and a half hours


20,00€ per person plus booking fee

Available online at tickets.st-marien-luebeck.de, at the kiosk directly in the church and all booking offices (e.g. at the tourist information at the Holstentor or the "Lübecker Nachrichten Digital Store" in the Königstraße)


Gift vouchers will be available soon

Good to know

Sturdy shoes and warm clothing


Not barrier-free


Bring hearing protection if available


Guided tours start on time in order to be at the bells on time. It is therefore not possible to join the towers later

Please note: We are currently working on being able to display our events here in english as well. Please use a suitable translator to be on the safe side.