Help to preserve

The MarienTaler for the future of St. Marien

It's easy to help: Your contribution to the preservation of important history

For what?

The MarienTaler flows entirely and exclusively into the care and preservation of the church and its art treasures

How much?

Adults | €4.00


Reduced admission | €2.00

(applies to students, recipients of citizens' benefits and people with disabilities)

For whom?

Free admission for children and young people up to the age of 18, as well as members of the community

Good to know

The MarienTaler is not charged for personal prayer and devotion or for attending public devotions and church services.

A photo fee is not charged

Further information on the MarienTaler


We would like to explain to you in a few lines the circumstances that led to the decision to introduce a conservation contribution for St Marien.

As the "Mother Church of Brick Gothic", St Marien is one of the most important churches in Northern Europe. Created over many generations by almost all the citizens of this city, the preservation of this cultural treasure is now the responsibility of a few people and their modest means. The parish of St Marien is aware of the great cultural responsibility it has taken on from previous generations. For decades, it has therefore endeavoured to restore and preserve the church and its unique inventory with great financial and human commitment. Renowned foundations in the Hanseatic city of Lübeck in particular are reliable partners in this endeavour. However, with every grant, the parish usually has to make a considerable contribution of its own.


In addition, there are the costs for opening the church. In the summer months, the church is open eight hours a day throughout the year; in winter, there are reasonable restrictions. The visitor frequency and tourist interest (450,000 visitors per year) require the presence of parish staff all year round, increased cleaning efforts and material expenses, for example in the energy sector. Finally, the numerous events - in addition to the church services, especially the large number of high-quality church music programmes - require considerable expenditure in terms of personnel and materials. There is virtually no support for the parish here, although the parish makes a considerable and very high-quality contribution to the cultural life of our city and the region with these programmes.


For many years, the congregation has asked visitors to our church to make a voluntary, discretionary contribution. This contribution averaged 33 cents per visitor. With this income, the congregation's own funds for restoration and maintenance, opening the church and organising events are nowhere near being financed. However, it cannot be the main task of a parish to maintain its church building. Preaching and pastoral care, work with children, families and the elderly and a wide range of church music and cultural activities are also considered essential in our parish. This is not feasible if considerable funds have to be spent on maintaining the church building. Nevertheless, we want to fulfil our responsibility for St Marien.


With this in mind, the parish council has decided to charge guests who wish to visit St. Marien a moderate maintenance fee. Guests of legal age pay a personal contribution of €4.00 towards the upkeep and opening of the church. Children and young people are deliberately excluded from this contribution so as not to make it more difficult for young people to come into contact with such a special church space. The same applies to people who cannot afford the contribution due to their financial situation. There is no photo fee. There is of course no maintenance fee for praying, attending church services, devotions and other events. In the months of May to October, as well as during the Advent season, there is a free guided tour of the church every day - except Sundays and public holidays - at 12:00 noon with organ music, as well as at 12:15 and 3:00 pm.

We hope that we have given you an understanding of some of the aspects of our mission and would be delighted to welcome you to St Mary's in person one day.