Walking Concert
of the 4-Quarters-Foundation

A springtime stroll through the full diversity of church music in our churches

4 Churches. 4 Concerts. 3 Walks. All in one day. An uncountable variety.

Nexte date: Spring 2025.

Times & Dates

2025 date to follow shortly


per church approx. 45min


Admission free, donations for the foundation for the preservation of church music in Lübeck's city centre churches are requested

Good to know

There is enough time between the individual churches to change locations

What is a walking concert ("Wandelkonzert")?


If the musician can't come to the audience, the audience goes to the musician - or their instrument. The immobility of organs almost prescribes the form of the concert in which the audience moves between the individual venues. It is the only opportunity to hear the entire spectrum of church music on the important organs of all Lübeck city centre churches and to listen to various ensembles in just one day. And it is a rare opportunity to be part of something special.


A different organ, a different organist, a different ensemble, a new piece. The atmosphere of the Lübeck Walking Concerts oscillates between the poles of cheerfulness and concentration, between the robust physicality of walking and the enraptured spirituality of the musical experiences.